3 Critical Tips To Prevent Winter Roofing Problems

Expert Roofing Contractors Give Tips To Avoid Roof Damage During Cold Weather

Extreme weather can take a toll on your roof. Even if you live in an area that does not get ice or snow, like the Phoenix area, the lower temperatures can cause a lot of fluctuation in your roofing materials. The expansion and contraction can lead to a breakdown in the materials. If cracks or other openings form, the roof will become less energy efficient, making your home colder and harder to heat (and costing you a lot more money). The openings can also allow for water damage if it rains (which it will continue to do all winter long).

You need to take steps to protect your roof and avoid costly roof repair or other problems. Fortunately, you don’t have to develop a complicated or costly routine. Here are three critical things you can do to prevent cold-weather roofing disasters:

Arizona Roofing Contractors Give Tips To Avoid Roof Damage During Winterr

Get Regular Roof Inspections

The most important thing you can do to protect your roof throughout the year is to get regular roof inspections from an arizona professional roofing contractor. Your roofer will inspect all components of the roof to look for signs of any imminent problems. The inspection will look at the quality of the roofing material to check for degradation, will check for missing or loose shingles or tile, will look for missing or damaged flashing, and will look at the condition of the gutters for proper water drainage.

You should get a roofing inspection at least once a year. Do not try to do this inspection yourself since it is dangerous and you don’t have the experience or training to know what to look for once you’re up there. Call a professional to ensure that your roof is in proper condition to keep protecting your home.

Make Sure That Your Roof Is Protected Against Severe Weather

You might need to call in a Glendale roofing contractor more frequently than that yearly inspection. When severe weather blows through, it can wreak havoc on your roof, and that can leave it vulnerable. The winter season in Phoenix comes not too long after the monsoon season, which brings with it heavy winds and rain. Your roof could be damaged in the monsoon season, and you may not realize it. Then your roof is vulnerable when the cold weather comes on.

Contact a roofing contractor to look at your roof if any severe weather comes through. You’ll be glad you did when the roofer can make the roof repair when it is a small problem – rather than making a much larger and costlier repair because the problem went overlooked and grew.

Monitoring For Roof Damage Warning Signs

Your roof may experience issues between visits from a roofer, so it’s important that you monitor for signs of trouble. You should never get up on the roof yourself since that puts you at great risk of injury, but you can note trouble signs from the ground. Look for things like blocked gutters or roof drains, sagging portions of your roof, or signs of a leak from the inside, such as yellow or brown stains on the ceiling or walls.

If you notice these or other signs that might indicate a problem with your roof, call a reputable roofing contractor right away. The longer any potential problem remains unaddressed, the more damage it can allow to happen to your roof.

Though the winter weather in Phoenix may not be as severe as in other parts of the country, it can still take a toll on your roof. Follow these simple yet critical tips to ensure that your roof is in good condition throughout the season and is offering your home the protection it needs.

Contact Professional Roofers In Phoenix, AZ

Call Allstate Roofing in Phoenix if you need fast roof repair. We can help get your shingle roofing or tile roofing back in top shape for the winter or any season throughout the year. Our goal is to ensure your roof is in peak condition to protect your home and offer maximum energy efficiency. If your roof is continuing to require repairs or your energy efficiency is not what it should be, it may be time to consider re-roofing. We can also perform your new roof installation and help ensure that you have the best roof to give your home maximum protection. Contact us in Phoenix today to schedule a consultation with a roofing contractor.

Written by Chad Thomas

“Chad Thomas, born in Arizona and influenced by his licensed roofer father, gained extensive experience in major companies before founding his own licensed roofing business.”